Furious 7 (2015)

In the wake of overcoming Owen Shaw and his group and securing acquittal for their past crimes,[N 1] Dominic "Dom" Toretto, Brian O'Conner and whatever is left of their group have come back to the United States to live ordinary lives once more. Brian starts to familiarize himself to life as a father, while Dom tries to help Letty Ortiz recapture her memory. In the mean time, Owen's more established sibling, Deckard Shaw, breaks into the safe healing center that the torpid Owen is being held in and swears retaliation against Dom and his group, before breaking into Luke Hobbs' Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) office to separate profiles of Dom's team. Subsequent to uncovering his personality, Shaw connects with Hobbs in a battle, and escapes when he explodes a bomb that seriously harms Hobbs. Dom later gains from his sister Mia that she is pregnant again and persuades her to tell Brian. Nonetheless, a bomb, masked in a bundle sent from Tokyo, detonates and pulverizes the Toretto house seconds after Han, a colleague, killed by Shaw in Tokyo. Dom later visits Hobbs in a doctor's facility, where he discovers that Shaw is a maverick uncommon powers professional killer trying to retaliate for his sibling. Dom at that point goes to Tokyo to assert Han's body, and meets and races Sean Boswell, a companion of Han's who gives him individual things found at Han's crash site.

Back at Han's memorial service in Los Angeles, Dom sees an auto watching them, and after a pursuit, goes up against its driver, who is uncovered to be Shaw. Both get ready to battle, however Shaw escapes when a secretive operations group arrives and starts shooting, drove by Mr. No one. No one says that he will help Dom in halting Shaw on the off chance that he causes him get God's Eye, a PC program that utilizations advanced gadgets to find a man, and spare its maker, a programmer named Ramsey, from a soldier of fortune named Mose Jakande. Dom, Brian, Letty, Roman Pearce, and Tej Parker then airdrop their autos over the Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, snare Jakande's caravan, and save Ramsey. The group at that point heads to Abu Dhabi, where an extremely rich person has procured the glimmer drive containing God's Eye, and figures out how to take it from the proprietor. With God's Eye close broadcast communications repeaters, the group finds Shaw, who is holding up at a remote production line. Dom, Brian, Nobody and his group endeavor to catch Shaw, yet are trapped by Jakande and his men and compelled to escape while Jakande gets God's Eye. At his own particular demand, the harmed Nobody is abandoned to be cleared by helicopter while Brian and Dom proceed without him. To diminish their detriment, the team comes back to Los Angeles to battle Shaw, Jakande and his men. In the interim, Brian guarantees Mia that once they manage Shaw, he will resign and completely commit himself to their family.

While Jakande seeks after Brian and whatever is left of the group with a stealth helicopter and an elevated automaton, Ramsey endeavors to hack into God's Eye. Hobbs, seeing the group in a bad position, leaves the healing facility and crushes the automaton with an emergency vehicle. Brian draws in Jakande's cohort Kiet and tosses him down a lift shaft, enabling Ramsey to recover control of God's Eye and close it down. Dom and Shaw take part in a one-on-one fight over an open parking structure, before Jakande intercedes and assaults them both. Shaw is vanquished when part of the parking structure falls underneath him. Dom at that point dispatches his vehicle at Jakande's helicopter, hurling Shaw's sack of explosives onto its slips, previously harming himself when his auto terrains and accidents. Hobbs at that point shoots the sack of explosives from ground level, pulverizing the helicopter and executing Jakande. Dom is pulled from the destruction of his auto, accepted to be dead. As Letty supports Dom's body in her arms, she uncovers that she has recovered her recollections, and that she recalls their wedding. Dom recaptures cognizance before long, commenting, "Better late than never".

Shaw is arrested by Hobbs and secured away a mystery, high-security jail. At a shoreline, Brian and Mia play with their child while Dom, Letty, Roman, Tej, and Ramsey watch, recognizing that Brian is in an ideal situation resigned with his family. Dom quietly leaves, Ramsey inquires as to whether he's going to state farewell. Dom says, "It's never farewell." He heads out, however Brian makes up for lost time with him at a junction. As Dom recalls the circumstances that he had with Brian, they say goodbye to each other and drive off in isolated ways, as the screen blurs to "For Paul" composed on a white title screen.


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